ETL 1110-2-362
31 Jul 95
A-3. Background
appropriate authorities, including those to restore and
create wetlands, in meeting the interim and long-term
goals." Executive Order 11990 further requires that
The Corps' water quality program established in the
the Corps avoid undertaking or assisting in the
early 1970's was one of the first steps taken by the
construction in wetlands unless there is no practicable
Corps to include environmental factors in the plan-
ning, design, construction, and operation of its water
resources projects. Important program components
(11) Federal Facilities Compliance Act of 1992,
addressing other environmental factors including
which provides for EPA and/or states to undertake
expanded fisheries programs and suitability of habitat
thorough inspections of Federally owned or operated
and biological diversity programs were accelerated
facilities that are subject to the CWA to ensure
after the water quality program. The discipline of
water quality in the Corps of Engineers encompasses
the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of
(12) Section 310(b) of WRDA 90 requires public
project-associated resources. These three broad com-
participation in the development of or changes in
ponents (physical, chemical, and biological) of water
water control plans.
quality are interrelated and in combination describe
and determine the water and related environments of
the projects.
b. References.
(1) ER 15-2-14, Committees on Tidal Hydrau-
A-4. Policy
lics, Channel Stabilization, Water Quality, and
a. It is national policy that the Federal
(2) ER 1105-2-100, Guidance for Conducting
government, in the design, construction, management,
Civil Works Planning Studies.
operation, and maintenance of its facilities, shall pro-
vide leadership in the nationwide effort to protect and
(3) ER 1110-1-261, Quality Assurance of Labo-
enhance the quality of the air, water, and land
ratory Testing Procedures.
resources and to comply with all Federal, state, inter-
state, and local requirements to the same manner and
(4) ER 1110-1-263, Chemical Data Quality Man-
extent as other entities. Federal antidegradation
agement for Hazardous Waste Remedial Activities.
policy maintains and protects existing high quality
waters where they constitute an outstanding national
(5) ER 1110-1-8100, Laboratory Investigations
resource. Where the quality of a water resource
and Materials Testing.
supports a diverse, productive, and ecologically sound
habitat, those waters will be maintained and protected
(6) ER 1110-2-240, Water Control Management.
unless there is compelling evidence that to do so will
cause significant national economic and social harm.
(7) ER 1110-2-1150, Engineering and Design for
No degradation is allowed without substantial proof
Civil Works Projects.
that the integrity of the stream will not diminish. In
all cases, the existing instream water uses and the
(8) ER 1110-2-1462, Water Quality and Water
water quality necessary to protect them will be main-
Control Considerations for Non-Federal Hydropower
tained. This national policy is founded on the overall
Development at Corps of Engineers Projects.
objective established in the Clean Water Act to
restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and bio-
(9) ER 1130-2-334, Reporting of Water Quality
logical integrity of the Nation's waters. The thrust of
Management Activities at Corps Civil Works
this policy is to protect all existing and future uses
including assimilative capacity, aquatic life, water
supply, recreation, industrial use, hydropower, etc.
(10) ER 1165-2-27, Establishment of Wetlands
Where uses are degraded, it is the national goal to
Areas in Connection with Dredging.
restore those degraded waters to more productive
(11) EM 1110-2-1201, Reservoir Water Quality