ETL 1110-2-362
31 Jul 95
(f) Beach erosion control.
(d) Wetlands on and off project lands
(g) Beach nourishment.
(e) Sediment traps.
(4) Ecological improvements or ideas.
(f) Wetland/sediment traps.
(g) Debris traps.
b. Operational modifications.
(h) Skimming weirs and/or curtains at swimming
(1) Management of selective withdrawal systems.
beaches or other sensitive areas.
(a) Meet downstream water temperature sched-
(i) Fish and wildlife structures (i.e., spawning
ules and water quality objectives.
shoals, reefs, islands).
(b) Evacuate/store undesirable waters to balance
(j) Silt curtain/turbidity control.
long-term overall quality.
(3) River, stream, and coastal improvements.
(c) Modify outflow quality objectives to balance
long-term in-lake and outflow quality.
(a) Design features to provide habitat and to
maintain or improve water quality in new or rehabili-
(d) Gradually change outflow quality by releas-
tated local flood protection channels.
ing waters from different levels when sudden outflow
quality change is anticipated (flood control).
Weirs, pools, and riffles.
(e) Prioritize outflow quality objectives for
Single bank construction.
balancing outflow quality.
Low flow channels.
(2) Seasonal pool elevation changes and tem-
porary pool fluctuations.
Entrenched meanders.
(a) Increase spring pools or change reservoir
Fish passages.
filling schedules to flood spawning shoals during
critical spawning periods.
Cover devices to provide shading to moderate
thermal impacts.
(b) Provide winter drawdowns to flush accumu-
lated silt from gravel spawning beds where necessary
Water control structures (gated structures,
and appropriate.
inflatable dams, overflow weirs, earth plugs).
(c) Limit pool fluctuation during spawning
Instream habitat structures (sills, deflectors,
periods to avoid desiccation of fish eggs and fry.
random rocks).
(d) Provide winter drawdowns to promote crop-
(b) Aerating structures at locks and dams.
ping of overpopulated and stunted panfish when
feasible and appropriate.
(c) Habitat along or adjacent to navigation
(e) Provide short-term detention of excess
storage to meet low flow augmentation needs.
(d) Dikes to control saltwater intrusion.
(f) Use pool fluctuations to induce in-pool
(e) Beneficial use of dredged material to create
mixing and to reestablish natural downstream flow
fish and wildlife habitat.