ETL 1110-2-362
31 Jul 95
expectations for improved water quality. It is essen-
b. The Corps' policy is to take a leadership role
tial that a team approach using all available technical
in carrying out the goals and objectives of the
expertise be used in development and review of water
national policy by managing the Nation's water
quality and environmental objectives and goals.
resources that are under the Corps' control so that
they are protected, maintained, and restored. As
steward of project resources, the Corps will not allow
degradation of the aquatic resource except as noted
major structural and operational modifications to
above. In cases where degradation has occurred, it is
projects. Added flexibility in water management
Corps policy to restore, to the extent justified, the
procedures may be required to balance designated
resource to a biologically productive, diverse, and
uses with environmental needs. The Corps must
ecologically robust condition. As appropriate this
draw upon its many technical strengths and resources
(team approach) for environmentally sound
sharing partnerships with non-Federal interests.
management, operation, and maintenance of its proj-
Corps management responsibilities extend throughout
ects. Available techniques and methodologies to
improve environmental performance have not yet
aged. Because management of projects affects
been applied or fully utilized at many Corps projects.
In many cases relatively minor modifications to water
and is influenced by actions of others also distant
management operations and/or water control struc-
from the properties, the Corps must actively pursue a
tures can be made, within existing discretionary
management philosophy committed to partnering with
authority, that can produce significant environmental
a wide range of resource organizations and interested
benefits at nominal or no cost with negligible impact
individuals. It is Corps policy to develop and imple-
on other project purposes. No management decision
ment a holistic, environmentally sound water quality
should be made without an environmental sensitivity
management strategy for each project. This strategy
check. Significant changes to environmental condi-
must be developed in concert with other authorized
tions may require appropriate documentation.
project purposes. However, the environmental
aspects of all we do must have equal standing among
c. Environmental engineering initiatives must be
other aspects--not simply a "consideration," but part
an integral part of all phases of civil works planning,
of the "go-no-go" test along with economics and
design, construction, operation, and maintenance. In
engineering. The Corps will manage its projects in
keeping with the Army's environmental stewardship
accordance with all applicable Federal and state envi-
vision, this ETL provides guidance necessary to
ronmental laws, criteria, and standards. The four
develop and implement applicable environmental
pillars of the Army's environmental strategy (conser-
Examples of techniques that can improve the physi-
help guide the Corps policy for water quality
waters are presented.
A-5. Environmental Engineering for Water
A-6. Environmental Engineering
a. The Corps must become and remain compre-
a. It is not the intent of this ETL to describe in
hensively aware of and responsive to conditions
detail all the possible options that are available for
which impact the environment, not only at projects,
environmental engineering improvement through the
but beyond project boundaries (i.e., tributary basin
management of the water resources that are controlled
and downstream reaches influenced by project opera-
or influenced by Corps projects. To do so would
tions). Water management operations must be peri-
require extensive text that would be inappropriate to
odically reviewed to determine if water quality/
present in the form of an ETL. Much of what fol-
environmental objectives are being achieved. The
lows is in outline form and is presented to stimulate
objectives themselves must be subject to periodic
thought that may produce ideas that can be imple-
scrutiny to determine if they remain pertinent relative
mented at Corps projects. Included are general
to changing environmental conditions and public
development and implementation guidance.