ETL 1110-2-362
31 Jul 95
(4) Identify and report existing and potential
water quality problems, develop management plans to
arrangements with water and related resource users.
address problems, determine environmentally
advantageous management opportunities, and identify
(d) Maintain close coordination with water users
in tributary drainage basins and along downstream
quality and environmental trends associated with
target reaches.
project waters.
A-9. Plans
(5) Maintain an adequate water quality monitor-
ing and data evaluation program to achieve project
Comprehensive water quality plans should be devel-
oped for each project. Once established, plans should
be implemented and become a part of the water con-
c. Coordination activities.
trol plan where they are periodically reviewed and
(1) Internal coordination.
(a) Work closely with the water control ele-
A-10. Summary
ments, resource managers, and planners to optimize
reservoir water management for water quality where
This ETL has been formulated to provide engineering
guidance for application of environmental engineering
(b) Maintain coordination within the division and
Engineers water resource projects. Managers should
with individuals in each district, and encourage coor-
apply these and other innovative techniques on a
dination among individuals involved in water quality
site-specific and regional basis. Sound water manage-
within each district.
ment decisions are the result of interdisciplinary,
collaborative efforts, inclusive of the necessary tech-
(c) Participate in Corps-sponsored training,
nical expertise. Attainment of the Army's environ-
workshops, and seminars.
mental stewardship vision demands a team approach,
a willingness to change, a can-do spirit, and support
(2) External coordination.
at all levels of the organization. To this end the
Corps is committed. Additional or specific guidance
(a) Maintain close coordination with Federal,
on issues arising from the material presented in this
state, and local agencies responsible for watershed
ETL is available from the Corps of Engineers' Com-
pollution control activities that may affect the water
mittee on Water Quality (CECW-EH-W at
quality associated with Corps projects.
(202) 761-8512).
(b) Share data and information with all interested