ETL 1110-2-367
31 Mar 95
Program Menu Structure
Chapter 3
HEC-IFH Program Concepts and
HEC-IFH uses a menu screen format from a hierarchical (tree-
like) structure to select different program options. Figure 3-1
illustrates the program menu structure. An introductory screen
is displayed showing the name and version of the program at the
beginning of every interactive session. Proceeding to the next
screen, the user is asked to create a study ID subdirectory or
a. HEC-IFH is an interactive PC program using the MS-
recall an existing study subdirectory. All data for plans
DOS system. The program is used for interior flood analyses
associated with a given study are stored in this subdirectory. An
example of an opening menu is shown in Figure 3-2.
events. HEC-IFH facilitates technical computations, and helps
manage the often complex and tedious task of data processing
Program Configuration and Data
required for conducting interior studies.
Management Utilities
b. HEC-IFH enables full-screen, interactive data entry,
The main menu screen follows the study ID screen and allows
with input data verification and plotting prior to running the
the user to select different options for program use. The Main
program. Analysis methods are selected using program menus.
Menu selections (Figure 3-3) are Program Configuration
The analysis may be performed in steps, with the opportunity to
Options, Data Management Utilities, Continuous Simulation
review and assess results after each step. Reports and plots may
be generated from input and output data. Additional output may
be retrieved later without repeating the program execution.
Program Configuration. HEC-IFH allows several
Detailed information about the program is available in the HEC-
configuration options to be set. These options control the
IFH Package user's manual (USACE 1992).
appearance of program screens, plots, and printed reports. The
units of measurement can also be specified.
Computer System Requirements and
Program Structure
Data Management Utilities. HEC-IFH uses a Data
Management Menu screen to list, archive, retrieve, and delete
a. Computer hardware requirements. HEC-IFH requires
selected input and output data for a study or plan. Appendix D
an IBM PC-compatible computer based on an 80386 or greater
of the HEC-IFH user's manual describes the use of the menu
screen in detail.
the 80386 or 80386SX computers. The operating system must
be MS-DOS or IBM PC-DOS (version 3.0 or higher). The
Program Application Structure
computer must have 4 MB of RAM memory as a minimum,
with at least 3 MB configured as extended memory. A hard disk
a. When either CSA or HEA is selected from the HEC-
with at least 3.2 MB of storage capacity is required to install the
IFH Main Menu (Figure 3-3), the following choices are
HEC-IFH program and an additional 2.5 MB to copy and use
presented (see Figure 3-4):
CSA and HEA test data files. Significant storage is required if
the CSA method is used, with a plan using 40 years of
Define Interior Analysis Data: Allows input data to
continuous record data at 1-hr increments requiring 8-10 MB of
be entered or edited.
free space. Appendix B of the HEC-IFH user's manual suggests
a minimum of 2 MB of free space for the HEA method.
Perform Interior Analysis: Allows definition of a
plan for analysis.
b. Use of HEC-DSS. A key feature of the HEC-IFH
program is the use of the HEC Data Storage System (HEC-DSS,
Hydrologic Analysis Summaries: Allows display of
USACE 1992) to store analysis input and output. Data can be
the results of a single interior analysis plan.
imported from HEC-DSS interactively from within the HEC-
IFH program. Also, data from other computer applications such
Comparison of Plans: Allows display of a
as HEC-1 (USACE 1990b) can be imported directly as input to
comparison of the hydrologic results of up to seven different
the HEC-IFH program. All HEC-IFH output is written to HEC-
interior analysis plans.
DSS and may be used by other programs that access HEC-DSS.