ETL 1110-2-367
31 Mar 95
Figure 3-4. HEC-IFH continuous simulation analysis menu
b. The initial step is normally to define the interior
b. HEC-IFH modular concepts. Data entry is performed
analysis data for the study. This chapter emphasizes data entry
after the study ID and type of analysis are specified. The HEC-
procedures for accomplishing this task.
IFH program uses a modular data entry format to store the input
data needed to execute a plan. The modules contain all the data
Define Interior Analysis Data
needed for a specific category of information. Seven modules
are used to represent groups of related data (Figure 3-5). The
a. Data requirements. Data that define the interior and
program provides separate data entry screens and computational
exterior are required to perform an interior area analysis. The
procedures to develop the data for each module. Several sets of
information presented here can be used for any analytical
data may be entered and stored with module identifiers (module
method, but is specifically targeted for HEC-IFH data entry.
ID's) identifying each set. The seven modules are:
Analyses are assumed to use both continuous record and
RUNOFF Module: Runoff Hydrograph Parameters.
(1) Define interior areas to be studied. Consider the line-of-
protection alignment, minimum facility requirements, runoff
POND Module: Interior Pond Data.
topology, topography of local ponding areas, present storm
sewer systems, and potential for additional storm water
GRAVITY Module: Gravity Outlet Data.
collector/conveyance systems.
PUMP Module: Pump Outlet Data.
(2) Delineate interior subbasins considering locations
needed for stage-frequency relationships and storm sewer
EXSTAGE Module: Exterior Stage Data.
(3) Select computation time interval ()t) for this and
Auxiliary Inflows and
subsequent analyses. Refer to Section 3-7 for more details in
determining appropriate computation intervals.