ETL 1110-2-550
30 May 97
Appendix A
Mlaker and Bryant 1994
Mlaker, P. F., and Bryant, L. M. 1994. Turbine
Reliability. Final report to Contract DACAW39-
94-C-0101 for U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Required Publications
USACE 1993
ER 1105-2-100
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1993. Condition
Guidance for Conducting Civil Works Planning
Rating Procedures/Condition Indicator for Hydro-
power Equipment, REMR Management Systems;
Hydropower Facilities. Washington, DC.
ER 1130-2-500
Partners in Support (Work Management Policies)
USACE 1995
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District,
EP 1130-2-500
Hydroelectric Design Center. 1995. Evaluation
Partners in Support (Work Management Guidance
Report for Major Rehabilitation of Main Generating
and Procedures)
Units 1-14 at The Dalles Powerhouse. Portland,
EC 5-1-50
Corps-wide Centers of Expertise
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydroelectric
EC 11-2-172
Design Center. 1996. Turbine Technical Report
Annual Program and Budget Request for Civil
for Buford Major Rehabilitation Study. Portland,
Works Activities
ETL 1110-2-321
A-2. Related Publications
Stability of Existing Gravity Structures
EPRI 1982
ETL 1110-2-532
Electric Power Research Institute. 1982. Increased
Efficiency of Hydroelectric Power. Report
Ayyub, Kaminskiy, and Moser 1996.
EPRI 1984
Ayyub, B. M., Kaminskiy, M. P., and Moser, D. A.
Electric Power Research Institute. 1984.
1996. Reliability Analysis and Assessment of
Hydropower Feasibility Study. Report EM-3435.
Hydropower Equipment. Technical Report for
Contract USDA-CSRS-95-COOP-2-1792.
EPRI 1986
USACE Institute for Water Resources, Alexandria,
Electric Power Research Institute. 1986. Inspec-
tion and Performance Evaluation of Dams: A
Guide for Managers, Engineers, and Operators.
Mlaker 1993
Report AP-4714.
Mlaker, P. F. 1993. Reliability of Hydropower
Equipment. Study performed for U.S. Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicks-
burg, MS, by JAYCOR Structures Division. Final
report to Contract DACW39-93-0073.