ETL 1110-2-550
30 May 97
c. EM-2407, Increased Efficiency of
may be used in evaluating and comparing structures
are given in these ETLs.
Hydroelectric Power (EPRI 1982), presents the
results of a project that examined the potential for
increasing hydroelectric generation efficiency at
F-8. Electric Power Research Institute
existing plants. The physical factors studied
leakage control, and the use of flashboards. The
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has
study concluded that excluding pumped storage,
conducted/sponsored research in the hydroelectric
there is a potential for a 17% increase in capacity
and approximately a 5% increase in energy from
and risk. Some of the research potentially relevant
existing conventional plants.
d. AP-4714, Inspection and Performance
documented in the following reports:
Evaluation of Dams: A Guide for Managers,
a. GS-6419, Hydropower Plant Modernization
Engineers, and Operators (EPRI 1986), provides
Guide (EPRI 1989) helps utility managers to
project owners, managers, engineers, and operators
with useful guidelines for dam inspection and for
the major plant components that extend plant life,
reduce power loss, increase availability, and boost
guide was prepared to assist utilities in the design,
power output. This guide provides information,
operation, maintenance, and modernization of
methodology and data for developing reasonable
hydroelectric projects. The guide includes
expectations of new equipment. It demonstrates
information on the concept and organization of
how to synthesize these requirements into a
inspection-evaluation programs as well as
comprehensive plant modernization plan. A second
recommendations for establishing reporting
volume deals with turbine runner upgrading and
procedures and developing communication
e. TR-103590, Reliability Centered
b. EM-3435, Hydropower Reliability Study
Maintenance (RCM) Implementation in the Nuclear
(EPRI 1984), develops recommendations for
Power Industry: Guidelines for Successful RCM
Implementation (EPRI 1994), provides information
hydroelectric generation plants in the United States.
which could be used to develop an RCM program.
The two-part project used statistical analysis and a
RCM programs help utilities optimize preventive
field survey as the basis for documenting historical
maintenance efforts while improving plant safety
performance and present-day practice in
and economy through increased dependability of
hydroelectric generation. The project team selected
plant components. This guide details the factors
the North American Electric Reliability Council's
that influence a positive outcome in an RCM
Generation Availability Data System (GADS)
program and lists success criteria that can be used
database as its historical source. In addition, a
by RCM program managers early in the process.
multidisciplinary survey team used questionnaires
f. TR-100320, Reliability Centered
to obtain information on component ratings,
materials, manufacturers, O&M practices, failure
Maintenance (RCM) Technical Handbook:
modes and causes, and other issues from a
Volumes 1 and 2 (EPRI 1992), provides reference
representative group of U.S. hydroelectric plants.
material and technical guidance to support RCM
Project personnel made recommendations for
evaluations at electric utility power plants.
improvements to GADS. Those modifications,
g. EPRI has recently initiated a Reliability
along with greater utility participation, are expected
to produce a more complete and statistically
Centered Maintenance program for hydroelectric
significant database for future users.
power application. In addition, EPRI has