ETL 1110-2-550
30 May 97
b. The literature search located 19 articles that
columns and the alternatives form the rows of the
fuzzy-set evaluation matrix. The weight factors are
contained subjects of interest to the project. These
applied to the alternative score through matrix
articles were briefly summarized in the report.
Interviews were conducted with a cross-section of
individuals representing manufacturing interests,
hydroelectric power plant owners and operators, and
F-10. Pacific Engineering Study on
research and development (R&D) and academic
Hydroelectric Risk Analysis
interests. The results of the interviews were
summarized in the report. Finally, this report
a. Pacific Engineering Corporation (PEC)
presented a section describing its investigative
investigated the current status of risk analysis as
findings. This section summarized where to find
applied to hydroelectric power generation
the best sources of technical articles dealing with
equipment and facilities (PEC 1995). Attention is
probabilistic risk analysis.
focused on the use of probabilistic methods to
c. Although this report does not provide any
prioritize and schedule predictive maintenance. The
useful technical risk analysis information, it could
study consisted of a literature search using online
be used to locate additional sources of risk analysis
electronic databases and phone interviews with
individuals familiar with risk management
techniques in hydroelectric power applications.