ETL 1110-2-550
30 May 97
researched risk, engineering, and economic issues
rehabilitating the Chickamauga Navigation Facility.
associated with hydroelectric facilities. EM-3435
The paper describes the work involved in the four
(EPRI 1984) includes statistical analysis of
options and the estimated costs as well as some of
historical performance data from the GADS
the advantages and disadvantages that are
database. The report recommended changes to the
associated with each option. The paper does not
GADS system. GS-6419 (EPRI 1989), EM-2407
address the issues of risk or reliability, and does not
(EPRI 1982), and AP-4714 (EPRI 1986) all contain
include details regarding the considerations included
valuable information for evaluating dam and system
in the economic assessment.
performance and modernizing equipment. TR-
103590 (EPRI 1994) and TR-100320 (EPRI 1992)
(3) The paper, "Hiwassee Dam Rehabilitation
both deal with RCM. EPRI has other reports and
to Combat Concrete Growth" (Newell et al. 1995),
documents available on these and related topics.
summarizes the deterministic analysis effort used to
The reports are available at no additional cost to
evaluate alternatives and project the performance of
EPRI members, and at a nominal cost for
these alternatives over time. The decision among
the rehabilitation alternatives considered was
selected based on the output from this time-based
analysis and associated economic analysis that was
F-9. Waterpower Conference Proceedings
not described in the paper. The paper also
of the International Conference on
summarizes the construction effort involved in
performing the rehabilitation project. The paper
does not address the issues of risk or reliability, and
a. The Proceedings of the International
does not include details regarding the considerations
Conference on Hydropower, San Francisco
included in the economic assessment.
California, July 1995, Volume 2 includes a few
(4) The paper, "The Use of Object-Oriented
papers that describe various aspects and cases of
Monte Carlo Simulation to Analyze Hydropower
rehabilitation program implementation to dams,
Rehabilitation Proposals" (Moser et al. 1995),
navigation locks, and hydroelectric power stations.
describes the underlying concept of economic risk
analysis as prescribed for the major rehabilitation
(1) The paper, "Steel Penstock Rehabilitation
program. The development of a computer program
Strategies" (Kahl 1995), describes three important
to conduct the economic analysis of rehabilitation
deterministic design considerations that can
proposals is described. Of particular interest is the
influence alternatives for rehabilitation of older
graphical user interface that facilitates the entry of
steel penstocks. The three design considerations
economic and reliability data and allows the user to
that need to be addressed arise primarily from
develop and analyze many alternatives. The
potential changes in operation or use of the
guidance for major rehabilitation proposals requires
penstock and/or changes in the rigor of analytical
use of a risk-based probabilistic analysis of
techniques. These considerations may justify
unsatisfactory performance and the resultant
alterations from the original design that would be
economic consequences. The HYDROPOWER
appropriate under the rehabilitation effort. The
REPAIR (Risk-Based Economic Program for the
paper does not address issues of risk, reliability, or
Analysis of Investments for Rehabilitation) is
economic analysis of potential rehabilitation
designed to model the distribution of life-cycle costs
associated with the operation and maintenance of a
hydroelectric power plant. The benefits of a major
(2) The paper, "Feasibility Studies to
rehabilitation are inferred from the reduction in the
Rehabilitate TVA's Chickamauga Navigation
expected life-cycle costs, both expenses and
Facility Due to the Effects of Concrete Growth"
operation costs, associated with the rehabilitation.
(Niznik and Conner 1995), summarizes the four
Reduction in the expected life-cycle costs are due to
alternatives considered by a multidiscipline team in
reduction of the likelihood of unplanned outages,