ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
B-1. Introduction.
a. Content. This document discusses recommended practices for design and construction
management for concrete pavements, including design staffing, design studies, preparation of
plans, specifications and Engineering Considerations and Instructions for Field Personnel
(ECIFP), design review, preconstruction preparation, construction staffing and responsibilities,
pavement completion documentation, and Transportation Systems Mandatory Center of Expertise
(TSMCX) services. A sample specification requirements for listed aggregate sources, a sample
ECIFP, a sample preconstruction pavement workshop agenda, and a list of post-construction
pavement materials completion data are included in the annexes.
b. Scope. Concrete pavements include airfield runways, taxiways, aprons and related
pavements, roads, streets, parking areas, vehicle and tank hardstands, tank trails and similar
transportation surfaces. The design and construction management practices described in this
document are intended for application to new or replacement pavements that can be classified as
medium to large (over 2000 m3 or 2500 yd3), or critical projects. Portions of this document can
be applied to O&M projects, hangar floors, and smaller new or replacement pavement projects.
Maintenance and repair of pavements are not covered in this document.
c. TSMCX Services. ER 1110-34-1, "Transportation Systems Mandatory Center of
Expertise," describes the authority, policy and responsibilities of the TSMCX. This document
also presents information on mandatory design reviews, criteria waiver policy and procedures,
criteria development, and TSMCX services for design and construction assistance. The 12 Apr
1996 and 12 Jun 1997 CEMP-ET Memoranda, Subject: Military Construction Design Review
Policy for Airfield, Railroad and Roadway Projects," establish HQUSACE policy for design
review by the TSMCX. The "Transportation News" is a periodic publication of the TSMCX to
provide information on transportation technology issues. The TSMCX maintains Indefinite
Delivery Type (IDT) Contracts for airfield and roadway pavement design, construction
management and other related services, that are available for use by Districts. Each FOA
responsible for military design and construction should have a POC designated for coordination
with the TSMCX. Questions concerning TSMCX services should be directed to:
US Army Corps of Engineers
Phone: 402-221-7260
Transportation Systems Center
215 North 17th Street