ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
Omaha, NE 68102-4978
B-2. Design and Design Documents.
a. General. ER 1110-345-100, "Design Policy for Military Construction," establishes
policies, responsibilities and procedures for the design of military facilities, including concrete
pavements. ER 1110-1-12, "Quality Management," provides general policy for quality of design
services, and describes design documents. TM 5-822-7, "Standard Practice For Concrete
Pavements," provides information on the materials and construction procedures for concrete
pavements. ER 1110-3-107, "Design of Military Airfield Pavements," sets forth policy
concerning design of military airfield pavements with respect to operational or other design
information. Corps participation in preparation and review with the using activity of the
Department of Defense (DD) Form 1391, "Military Construction Project Data," is a key element
in successful pavement design and construction. The TSMCX should be contacted for DD Form
1391 development when possible, and should be kept current with DD Form 1391 and relevant
design issues as they arise during the project life. The design process for concrete pavements is
similar to conventional military projects, with a few exceptions. Following selection of a designer,
early studies for design include geotechnical investigations and a geotechnical or foundation
report, materials studies and a materials report, leading to a design analysis report. This is
followed by preparation of plans and specifications, an Engineering Considerations and
Instructions for Field Personnel (ECIFP), a cost estimate, and design reviews. Full coordination
and intensive involvement with the using activity throughout the design process is a critical
element for successful pavement projects. Site visits by the designers at the beginning and during
design are essential for all projects. A site visit by the designers is mandatory for all concrete
pavements. Construction personnel should attend these site visits when feasible. Design Quality
Control plans are required for all military projects, including pavements.
b. Pavement design training for designers. Training courses, seminars or workshops relating
to concrete pavement design, evaluation and/or construction are available from a variety of
sources. PROSPECT courses, "Pavement and Drainage Design and Construction," and
"Advanced Concepts in Pavement Design and Evaluation," are conducted by CEWES and
managed by the Huntsville Engineering and Support Center. The TSMCX provides Pavement-
Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering (PCASE) regional seminars, and
airfield design and layout workshops for specific projects, when requested.
c. Design agents. Designers of concrete paving projects may be in-house or Architect-
Engineer (A-E) firms. Design firms specializing in pavement design can provide competent
design of military concrete pavements. Most A-E firms that do not specialize in pavements are
unfamiliar with pavement concerns and criteria, and may require some time to become proficient