ETL 1110-2-563
30 Sep 04
for the new lock at Winfield is shown in Figure C-8. To account for this fact, the 1:120-scale model
included approximately 250 simulated barge impact events for both controlled experiments that used
three different operators and uncontrolled or loss of power events. For the design of the approach wall,
the impact angle and forward velocity (i.e., composed of the longitudinal, V0x, and transverse, V0y,
velocity components) data from the ERDC scale navigation model were utilized. The distributions for
velocity and angle are shown in Figures C-9 and C-10, respectively. The data for the tow mass distri-
bution as shown in Figure C-11 were obtained from the OMNI database by Huntington's Navigation
Planning Center. Table C-2 shows the statistical parameters from the scale model experiments used in the
design of the approach walls.
c. Kentucky Lock Addition Upper Approach Walls, Tennessee River, Grand Rivers, Kentucky
(Design Memorandum, Kentucky Lock Addition, Nashville District, 1999).
(1) Nashville District started the design for this navigation project to increase the capacity for
Kentucky Locks in the 1990's. The Kentucky Lock Addition consists of a new 34- by 366-m (110- by
1,200-ft) lock landward of the existing 34- by 183-m (110- by 600-ft) lock. The upper land approach wall
consists of a 396-m- (1,300-ft-) long wall that is designed as a 13-m- (42-ft-) wide floating guide struc-
ture. The upper middle approach wall is similar in construction and function except that it is an 84-m-
(277-ft-) long, 14-m- (46-ft-) wide wall with a 12-degree bend toward the river near the middle of the
wall. This allows the floating wall to align with the landward wall of the existing lock and to guide barge
traffic into the new lock. The upper approach for this project is within Kentucky Lake, which is very wide
near the locks and has minimal effects on tows from either currents or outdrafts. Figure C-12 shows the
layout for the upper middle approach wall.
River Flow
Upper Approach Wall
Figure C-8. Upper approach guard wall at Winfield L&D