ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
material handling calculations. Calculated increases in the
volume of material due to treatment help to determine the volume
of landfill space required.
(c) Suspended Solids (Standard Methods 2540 D): Used to
determine the amount of solids that do not settle from a column
of liquid. Suspended solids content is an important parameter
for determining material handling requirements such as whether or
not the waste is pumpable. Suspended solids content can also be
used to estimate the decrease in volume that can be achieved by
(d) Particle Size Analysis (ASTM D 422-90): Generally used
as a classification tool and as an indicator of difficulties that
could be encountered in processing. Very fine or very coarse
particles can increase the difficulty of performing S/S. Some
contaminants tend to bind preferentially to small soil particles.
Very large particles may require particle size reduction prior to
treatment or removal and separate disposal.
(e) Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318-84): Used as a
classification tool for the fine grained fraction of untreated
material. Atterberg limits are used to estimate properties such
as compressibility, strength, and swelling.
(f) Paint Filter Test (USEPA SW-846, Method 9095): The
placement of bulk liquid hazardous waste or hazardous waste
containing free liquid in any landfill is prohibited. The Paint
Filter Test may be performed before or after treatment of a waste
to determine if it contains free liquid.
(g) Bleed Water of Concrete (ASTM C 232-92): This test is
used to measure the amount of water that will bleed from a
freshly mixed sample of treated waste.
j. Chemical Test Requirements. ER 1110-1-263 prescribes
Chemical Data Quality Management (CDQM) responsibilities and
procedures for all chemical contamination investigative and
remedial activities to assure that the analytical data obtained
is of sufficient quality. The methods used for analyses of
hazardous waste and leachate are contained and described in SW-
846. EPA/625/6-89/022 provides additional information on
chemical test procedures typically used for an S/S treatability
(1) Project Chemist. The project chemist must collaborate
with the design engineer in formulating the appropriate
analytical requirements to meet the data quality objectives of