ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
Strict adherence to standard operating procedures during sampling
implementation of thorough decontamination procedures will ensure
a high degree of accuracy.
(c) Representativeness is the degree to which data
being studied.
(d) Comparability is the qualitative estimate of the
relative confidence with which the data obtained from one set of
measurements may be compared to data from another set of
measurements. The degree of comparability is directly related to
the precision, accuracy, and representativeness of the data in
each set. Factors that are likely to contribute to systematic
and random error of the data should be evaluated and appropriate
methods that allow collection of the type, quality, and quantity
of data needed for the treatability study should be selected.
measurements made as compared to the total number of measurements
performed. The level of completeness required for a given set of
data is determined by the number of valid measurements that must
be obtained to satisfy the data use. To emphasize, comparability
and representativeness are qualitative objectives of the data;
while completeness goals are defined for individual sampling and
analytical protocols or may be combined to assess the project as
represent quantitative limits below which data is unacceptable,
and corrective action must be taken.
goals may be established at levels specified within the methods
or more stringent as required by project DQOs. If no goals are
presented within the methods, project specific ranges must be
established for precision and accuracy in order to generate data
of consistent quality throughout the study.
procedures are a program of field and laboratory operations
employed to assess the validity of the sampling and analytical
work performed. Sampling QA/QC procedures normally require the
acquisition of replicate samples (field duplicates, splits, etc.)
and associated blanks (rinsates, trip blanks, etc.). Laboratory
QA/QC procedures encompass the required analysis of method
blanks, duplicate samples, surrogate compounds, spike samples,
etc. These operations allow calculation of both field and
laboratory precision and accuracy achieved in conjunction with