ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
quality objectives should be defined in the scope of work to help
guide the Contractor in determining required sampling procedures
and test methods. Requirements for the contents of a SAP are
described in EM 200-1-3. EP 200-1-2 provides guidance on
manifesting RCRA hazardous waste.
n. Data Interpretation. Standard procedures are not
available for interpretation of the data from an S/S treatability
study. The results of the chemical and physical testing must be
compared against the regulatory criteria for the treated
(1) Dilution Effect. The results of leaching tests for
treated samples should be compared with the results for
untreated samples. The binder and water added during S/S will
dilute the waste. Therefore, the data must be normalized to the
dry raw waste content. The data can then be presented as a
percent treatment effectiveness to determine the benefits of S/S
and to compare the various mix ratios. The following equation
can be used to take into account the affect of dilution by the
Percent Reduction = 100(1-(1+AR)(Treated TCLP Conc.))
(Raw TCLP Conc.)
AR = Additive Ratio = Weight of Additive
Weight of Waste
(2) Bulking Factor. The bulking factor is the amount of
volume increase that will occur as a result of the addition of
treatment reagents. Frequently a maximum allowable bulking
factor will be one of the criteria established for a treatability
study. The following equation can be used to determine the
bulking factor (B):
B = (1 + R) * D insitu * 1 + MC treated
D treated
1 + MC insitu
R = Dry weight ratio of solidifying agent to waste
D insitu = Bulk unit weight of insitu waste
D treated = Bulk unit weight of compacted treated
MC insitu = Moisture content of insitu waste
MC treated = Moisture content of treated material
(3) Optimum Reagents and Mix Ratios. Based on the
treatability study results, the reagents and mix ratios which