ETL 1110-2-544
31 Jul 95
Figure 25. Cross-sectional view of New Melones Dam
Figure 26. Finite element mesh of New Melones Dam
e. Results. The analysis was summarized
indicated that some upward movement (rebound)
providing answers to the three primary questions
might occur due to the effects of buoyancy.
posed earlier as reasons for performing the study.
Upward movement (rebound) in the upstream shell
Figures 28 and 29 show that the expected horizontal
may occur due to the effects of buoyancy as the
movements for the "stiff" and "soft" cores show that
upstream shell becomes submerged. However, it
the maximum calculated horizontal movements
was reasoned that other effects such as creep or
during the development of steady state seepage was
secondary compression which were not accounted
about 0.6 ft toward the downstream. The analysis
for in the analysis would contribute to a net