ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
f. Design analysis. The design analysis of
the concrete
pavement should be
described in an
official document, including requirements from the geotechnical report and the materials office
report. ER 1110-345-100, "Design Policy for Military Construction," and specifically ER 1110-
345-700, "Design Analyses, Drawings and Specifications" addresses policy for design analyses for
military projects, including transmittal of the final design analysis to the using activity upon
completion of the project. EI 02C013, "Planning and Design of Airfields and Heliports," (draft)
provides general provisions, criteria and policy for airfields and heliports. ETL 1110-3-394,
"Aircraft Characteristics for Airfield-Heliport Design and Evaluation," provides information on
aircraft characteristics for layout, design, or evaluation of airfield and heliport pavement systems.
ETL 1110-3-380, "Standard Distribution of Military Airfield Pavement Design and Evaluation
Information," provides guidance for the distribution of airfield and heliport pavement design
(1) The most current design criteria is listed on the USACE internet homepage, and is
available through routine channels. Criteria is also available from the Construction Criteria Base
(CCB) maintained by National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), and from TECHINFO,
maintained by the Huntsville Engineering and Support Center. Any special requirements for a
pavement project should be coordinated with the using activity and MAJCOM, and with the
(2) The TSMCX should be fully involved during all stages of design, from development of the
DD Form 1391, through initial project concept design, to final design development and design
reviews. The TSMCX should be contacted during design for any interim design criteria changes
that may be in memorandum or ETL form, and not yet a part of more formal criteria. Funding for
TSMCX reviews must be included in the project funds.
g. Drawings. ER 1110-345-100, "Design Policy for Military Construction," and specifically
ER 1110-345-700, "Design Analyses, Drawings and Specifications" addresses policy for design
drawings. TM 5-825-1, "General Provisions for Airfield/Heliport Pavement Design," provides an
outline of design drawings. DG 1110-3-204 (AFP 88-7), "Design Guide for Army and Air Force
Airfields, Pavements, Railroads, Storm Drainage and Earthwork," contains typical details and
some example layouts that may be used for concrete pavement designs. Typical design drawings
for concrete pavements include the following:
Plan view of project (including contractor work area and concrete plant area)
Pavement borrow areas
Pavement layout
Pavement removal plan
Pavement removal details
Pavement elevations and sections