ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
c. Quality assurance laboratory. Government quality assurance testing can be provided by
Government personnel, but is more often provided by a service contract. Concrete field testing
technicians should all be at a minimum ACI Grade I Certified and laboratory testing technicians
should be ACI Grade I or II Certified Laboratory Technicians. It may be useful to require a
registered engineer to sign all test reports. A laboratory inspection conducted prior to
construction by Corps laboratory personnel is mandatory (ER 1110-1-261, "Quality Assurance of
Laboratory Testing Procedures").
d. Design/materials engineer construction assistance. On-site field assistance by the design
and/or materials engineer or the TSMCX is recommended at critical stages in pavement
construction, particularly for medium to large or complex projects. These stages might include:
Preconstruction workshops and meetings
At start of existing pavement removal, if applicable
Base course and drainage layer construction
Inspection of concrete mixing plant and paver prior to placement
At start of concrete paving
At key stages of concrete placement
At start of joint sealing
Pavement completion
The materials engineer should be consulted at the start of mixture proportioning studies, and final
mixture proportions should be reviewed by the materials engineer prior to approval or placement.
The design engineer/materials engineer and the TSMCX are resources available to the field office
for troubleshooting at any time during construction, for pavement workmanship assistance, and
for periodic field data review, especially concerning concrete strength data.
e. Inspection. Routine inspection of subsurface layer construction, and continuous, full time
inspection of concrete placement is required for high quality concrete pavement construction. At
least one of the QAR or the field engineer must be experienced and trained in concrete pavement,
and should be supplemented by assistance in the field at key intervals by design/materials
engineers or the TSMCX. TSMCX IDT contracts are available for construction management and
inspection services.
B-5. Pavement Completion Documentation.
The collection and retention of specific construction data and information is essential to insure
that materials and mixtures used in construction can be evaluated for long-term durability and
performance, and to insure that less than successful practices, equipment or materials used by a