ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
Annex 1: Sample Specification Requirements for Listed Aggregate Sources
B1-1. Sample Specification for Listed Aggregate Sources
The following language can be included in the specification special provisions or general
requirements if listed aggregate sources are desired for a concrete paving project.
(A) Concrete aggregates may be produced from the listed sources listed below:
(1) Sources of fine aggregate:
(a) xxxxxx River, between xxxxx city and xxxxxx city, South of Highway xx and West of
Highway xx, T20S R19E, Sections 15, 16, and 17 (list owner or operator for each).
(b) xxxxxxxxxxx quarry, Southeast of xxxxxx, and East of Highway xx, T22S R21E, Sections
17 and 18 (list owner or operator for each)(more specific information, such as ledge or quarry
area, may be necessary).
(B) Concrete aggregates may be furnished from any of the above listed sources or at the
option of the Contractor may be furnished from any other source designated by the Contractor
and approved by the Contracting Officer, subject to the conditions hereinafter stated.
(C) After the award of the contract, the Contractor shall designate in writing, only one source
or one combination of sources from which he proposes to furnish aggregates. If the Contractor
proposes to furnish aggregates from a source or from sources not listed above, he may designate
only a single source or a single combination of sources for aggregates. Samples for acceptance
testing from an unlisted source shall be provided as required by Section: xxxxx of the Technical
Specifications. If a source for coarse or fine aggregate so designated by the Contractor is not
approved for use by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may not submit for approval other
sources but shall furnish the coarse or fine aggregate, as the case may be, from a listed source
listed above at no additional cost to the Government.
(D) Listing of a concrete aggregate source is not to be construed as approval of all material
from that source. The right is reserved to reject materials from certain localized areas, zones,
strata, or channels, when such materials are unsuitable for concrete aggregate as determined by
the Contracting Officer. Materials produced from a listed source shall meet all the requirements
of Section: xxxxx of the technical sections of these specifications".