ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
for this type of construction. Since field construction offices do not manage this kind of project
on a regular basis, specialized training is important to provide the field staff with the specialized
knowledge required to manage a concrete pavement construction project. Preconstruction
workshops can also be an important step in providing additional knowledge and understanding of
the requirements for a specific paving project. The TSMCX can provide training and workshop
assistance and information. Quality assurance planning is discussed in ER 1180-1-6,
"Construction Quality Management."
b. Pavement construction training for field staff. Training on concrete pavement
construction practices is essential for field staff, but can be difficult to schedule without
significant advance notice of approaching pavement construction. A PROSPECT course on
Pavement and Drainage Design and Construction provides information for both flexible and rigid
pavements. Other organizations occasionally offer courses related to concrete pavement
construction, such as the National Highway Institute. A PROSPECT exportable course, "Quality
Verification: Concrete," on videotape, covers general concrete inspection and verification ,
including concrete paving.
c. Preconstruction pavement workshop. A short workshop on concrete paving conducted at
the construction office is an excellent way to provide essential information on design, materials,
construction equipment, practices and testing to the field staff, and to gather feedback from the
field staff and the contractor on field conditions. These workshops, typically lasting about one
day, are generally conducted by TSMCX staff, with the designer and field staff. Subject matter
includes design intent, plans and specifications, the ECIFP, discussion of anticipated and proposed
construction equipment, activities and procedures, and can include the Contractor briefing Corps
staff on proposed equipment, operations, and testing. Discussion and resolution of critical issues
with the Contractor can be greatly facilitated by these workshops. A typical agenda of a
preconstruction paving workshop is included in Annex 3. The using activity should be invited to
these meetings.
B-4. Construction.
Excellent designs, plans and specifications alone will not provide a high quality pavement.
Without well trained and experienced construction personnel, given adequate resources, given
adequate time to consistently and continuously monitor contractor efforts, and the authority to
direct those contractor efforts, the concrete pavement product will often be less than satisfactory
to the Corps and the using activity. Some key elements for high quality pavement construction
management are discussed below. Partnering between all elements, including the contractor, the
Corps construction staff, the designers, testing laboratories, and the using activity, can contribute
significantly to construction of a high quality pavement. ER 1180-1-6, "Construction Quality
Management," provides general guidance for establishing quality management procedures,