ETL 1110-3-488
1 Mar 98
including an outline for quality assurance plans, required on all military projects, including
concrete pavements.
a. Construction staffing. The most important element in producing a high quality pavement
is a well trained and experienced construction staff. Construction staffing must be carefully
thought out well in advance of the concrete pavement construction, taking into consideration the
complexity and demands of the project, experience and training levels of available personnel, the
availability of assistance from design staff, contract support, and other staffing resources. For a
moderate to large-sized concrete paving project, the following staffing is considered the minimum
adequate for during concrete placement:
(1) Field engineer. The field engineer should be dedicated only to the one paving project,
especially for medium to large projects. The field engineer directs all quality assurance activities.
(2) Quality assurance representatives (QAR). Depending on the nature and size of the
project, two to three full time QAR are required to monitor contractor concrete construction
activities and performance. Large slipform paving projects generally require at least one QAR for
the paver and one for the concrete plant, aggregate production and related activities. A single
well trained QAR may be sufficient for subsurface preparation and construction, depending on the
complexity of the work. Use of soil cement or drainage layers may require additional quality
assurance, as well as support from the designer/materials engineer. Features other than concrete
construction may require other specialized quality assurance. Field engineer and quality assurance
services can be acquired through service contracts, but the qualifications and experience of the
individuals to provide the services should be carefully scrutinized, and these individuals should be
thoroughly trained in the specific procedures and objectives of the specific project. At least one
QAR or the field engineer must be experienced and thoroughly knowledgeable in heavy duty
pavement construction, particularly for airfield pavements. Field staff that must service multiple
projects are not generally able to adequately manage and inspect moderate to large concrete
paving projects, such as runways, taxiways and aprons, or large roads and hardstands. Additional
quality assurance services are available from TSMCX IDT contracts.
b. Surveying and smoothness measurement. A survey party chief and two person crew is
generally required on larger projects for checking concrete elevations and alignment, and
straightedging where required. These services are normally specified as contractor
responsibilities, but may performed by the Government, using either district survey staff or by a
service contract. Where profileograph measurements are required on the completed pavement
surface, service contracts will usually be required to provide crews experienced with this
specialized equipment. Profileograph services are generally included in the specifications as a
contractor requirement. TSMCX IDT contracts are available for quality assurance activities.