ETL 415-3-1
30 Jun 2000
PAX Newsletter No. 3.2.1 Area Cost Factor Indexes
PAX Newsletter No. 3.2.2 Military Facilities Unit Costs
r. TN 210-50-01, Army Family Housing Planning Guide
s. Interim Department of Defense Antiterrorism/Force Protection Construction Standards,
December 16, 1999
5. Policy.
a. Review and certification must be independent and not influenced by values already
presented on the DD Form 1391. Further, individuals preparing the DD Form 1391 should not be
the same individuals reviewing the DD Form 1391.
b. Divisions will list subject activity as a primary mission and function of the Division. HQ
will provide Military Construction (MILCON)/Division Operations and Maintenance, Army
(MOA), Appropriation Code 21*2020, Army Management Structure Code (AMSCO) 437013.71
funds to Divisions for management and technical direction of the MILCON mission. These funds
include all work for subject.
c. Scope of work will comply with reference 4.d.
d. Division Commanders are authorized to re-delegate their authority for certification of DD
Form 1391 to District Commanders. Further re-delegation of such certification authority below the
level of District Commander is not authorized. Whether assigning the certification to the District or
having the District provide assistance, funding for such activity should be provided by purchase
request to the Districts from Division funds.
e. Divisions will not review and certify DD Form 1391's that are not in their area of
responsibility unless the terms of reference 4.i. are followed.
f. Work to review and certify DD Form 1391 will be in accordance with reference 4.j.
g. Project Delivery Team (PDT) members that are engaged in subject activity are encouraged to
attend USACE Prospect Training Course, DD Form 1391 Preparation.
6. Responsibilities.
a. AR 415-15 requires USACE to review and certify the DD Forms 1391for MCA and AFH
projects. The DD Forms 1391 shall be reviewed and certified that sufficient technical information is
available to commence a concept design (Code 2) or Parametric Design (Code 3) and that the
project scope is in compliance with Army standards, criteria, and cost estimating requirements.
Appendix A, DD Form 1391 Certification Activities, lists the roles of USACE and Major Army