ETL 415-3-1
30 Jun 2000
Command (MACOM) in the DD Form 1391 review and certification process.
b. The appointed Project Manager (PM) is responsible for managing all activities of the DD
Form 1391 review and certification process. The PM may be a member of a technical function, and
is appointed in coordination with the Director of Programs and Project Management and the
Functional Chief. The PM is the point of contact (POC) for coordination with HQUSACE, the
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (OACSIM), MACOM, and the
installation Directorate of Public Work (DPW), when required. The PM will:
(1) Develop and maintain an annual master schedule of the DD Form 1391 activities by
coordinating with MACOM and OACSIM;
(2) Maintain HQUSACE, OACSIM, MACOM and DPW POC lists for the DD Forms 1391
(3) Contact the MACOM POC for a list of projects required for USACE review and
certification. OACSIM issues guidance on the upcoming Project Review Board (PRB) to the
MACOM in the February-March timeframe;
(4) Retrieve these projects from the DD Form 1391 Processor in the Army Programming,
Administration, and Execution (PAX) System;
(5) Make sure that a complete set of full DD Forms 1391 is available for review by the PDT
members, and set a suspense date for review comments;
(6) Schedule and coordinate site visits with installation DPW and the PDT members;
(7) Coordinate with the PDT members to consolidate the review comments;
(8) Forward the consolidated comments to MACOM with information copy to the installation
(9) Coordinate with MACOM /installation DPW to ensure that the review comments have
been appropriately incorporated into the DD Form 1391 prior to the certification, if the review
schedule allows time to do so. Any unresolved issues and comments should be identified on the DD
Forms 1391;
(10) Represent the division at the Army Construction Requirements Review Committee
(CRRC) PRB meetings, along with technical representatives, when so requested by the MACOM;
(11) Maintain a file of reviewed and certified DD Forms 1391.