ETL 415-3-1
30 Jun 2000
e. The site visit:
(1) Before the Site Visit
(a) Provide the installation DPW a list of items of information required for certification of
the DD Form 1391, such as the sample items identified in Appendix E Site Visit Checklist, if
(b) Arrange for a camera permit. If the installation is a "closed post" which will not
permit picture taking by visitors, arrange for an installation photographer to take photos for the PDT
at the proposed site.
(c) Gather and analyze the DD Form 1391 review comments generated by the PDT
members to identify the project deficiencies and/or any recommended resolutions, which will be
discussed with the installation DPW at the site visit.
(2) At the Site
(a) Meet with the installation DPW to examine requested documentation and attempt to
resolve any comments or questions generated by the DD Form 1391 review.
(b) Tour project site(s) to verify site conditions based on the site visit checklist of
Appendix E and project data presented in the DD Form 1391, and to resolve questions concerning
the site physical conditions and/or site utilities.
(c) Take photographs (preferably using a digital camera) showing topography, geography,
utilities and surrounding structures. If project is an addition or modification to an existing building,
photograph all sides, important details, interiors, structural system and visible utilities. The
purpose of the photographs is to provide the PDT members, who were not present at the site visit, as
much site information as possible. Photos can also help to support the comments.
(3) After the Site Visit
(a) Provide photographs to the PDT members, if applicable and available.
(b) The PDT members should revisit their comments to determine whether the
photographs or the site visit team can provide answers to their questions.
(c) The PM will request the MACOM or the installation DPW to make necessary
corrections to the DD Form 1391 and also coordinate with them to identify any outstanding issues.