ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
most economically achieve the chemical and physical treatment
criteria should be selected.
a. Appendix B provides an outline of topics which should be
considered for inclusion in a Solidification/Stabilization
Treatability Study Scope of Work (SOW). Not all topics in the
outline are appropriate for each project. The designer should
select the sections of the SOW which are applicable on a
specific basis. Under some circumstances, additional scope
topics should be developed to supplement those presented here. `
The outline is supplemented by text describing the typical
requirements for each topic. Other documents are also referenced
which describe standard requirements which should be incorporated
into an S/S treatability study SOW.
b. Based on the treatability study SOW, the Contractor
prepare a work plan outlining all tasks to be performed during
the treatability study. The work plan will be reviewed and
approved by USACE prior to the Contractor initiating any work on
the treatability study.
Input during the preparation of the technical portions of . . . .
a SOW should be sought from the appropriate technical staff
within USACE. Waterways Experiment Station has performed
numerous S/S treatability studies and should be consulted when
scoping a complex treatability study. The involvement of
house technical expertise in scoping any phase of an HTRW project
is essential to providing a cost-effective high quality service
to providing quality reviews of subsequent
to the customer
2 Appendices
APP A - References
APP B - Scope of Work
Directorate of Military Programs
(SOW) Outline for a
zation Treatability Study