ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
Pass/Fail Criteria
Unconfined Compressive
>50 psi
Free Liquid Content
No free liquid
Volume Increase
<25% increase
in volume
<1 X 10-7 cm/sec
Mass loss < 30%
Wet/Dry Durability
after 12 cycles
Freeze/Thaw Durability
Mass loss < 30%
after 12 cycles
Summary of Tasks.
Provide a brief list of the tasks the Contractor must perform as
part of the treatability study. Details of each task are
presented in the following paragraphs.
Task 1 - Contractor Work Plan Preparation
Task 2 - Treatability Study Sample Collection
Task 3 - Initial Sample Characterization
Task 4 - Treatability Study Testing
Task 5 - Analyses, Data Assessment/Validation and Reporting
Task 6 - Treatability Study Report
Project Requirements.
This section should provide details of the specific tasks the
Contractor will be required to perform.
Task 1
Contractor Work Plan Preparation.
The Contractor will be required to produce a Treatability Study
Work Plan which should include attachments, if necessary, for a
Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP) and a Sampling and Analysis