ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
Plan (SAP). This section should indicate the Contractor will be
expected to discuss each of the pertinent topics covered in the
Task 2
Treatability Study Sample Collection.
The SOW should contain information describing the physical and
chemical parameters of the samples to be collected. This section
should also contain specifications as to the location, number,
and quantity of samples to be collected. Sufficient sample
should be collected to ensure all treatability study testing can
be completed. Alternatively, the Contractor could be tasked to
identify locations and numbers of samples to be collected.
Representative samples should be collected for each distinctive
type of contaminated material. Consideration should be given to
whether the samples should represent worst case or average case
conditions. Additional information on scoping requirements for
sample collection is included in EM 200-1-3.
Task 3
Initial Sample Characterization.
Treatability study samples should be homogenized to ensure
testing is performed on samples with uniform properties. The
Contractor's work plan should specify the method to be used to
homogenize the samples. Particle size reduction may also be
required if oversize material is present. The work plan should
discuss how the homogenized samples will be subdivided for
replicate testing.
This section should outline what initial chemical testing will be
performed. Leaching and/or total chemical analyses should be
the homogenized samples are representative of site conditions.
This data will also be used to establish a baseline for
comparison with the treated samples.