ETL 1110-1-162
30 Sep 01
erosion damage. Areas that have poor vegetative cover should be reseeded. The landfill cover should
be mowed once the vegetative cover has been established to keep it healthy and keep trees or brush
from establishing. The cover surface should also be inspected for rodent holes. Irrigation requirements
may be considered for covers located in arid climates.
h. Runoff Controls. Drainage terraces, ditches, and drop structures
should be
inspected to
that erosion is not occurring and that the erosion control features are performing as designed. The
detention pond should be inspected to assure that there is sufficient storage available for sediment.
Periodic dredging of sediment may be required from ditches or detention ponds.
i. Other Features. The contractor should also maintain other features such as fences and perimeter
access roads during the 1-year maintenance period.
j. Inspections. The contractor is typically required to inspect the site once to twice each month.
The inspection should monitor the condition of the cover, outlets to the cover subdrainage system,
settlement, slope stability, runoff control structures, monitoring wells, gas extraction system, fences, and
access roads. The contractor should furnish a report after each inspection is completed. Inspection
reports should include a written summary of deficiencies noted, repairs undertaken, and other significant
operational events. The report should also include instrumentation readings taken.
k. Maintenance. The contractor should notify the contracting officer in writing in advance of
conducting any major maintenance activities. A representative of the contracting office should be
present during all major maintenance activities. The contractor should prepare a maintenance
completion report after any major maintenance has been performed.
B-9. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance. Table B-1 lists potentially applicable or
relevant and appropriate Federal standards, requirements, and criteria. The purpose of this table is to
provide a brief description of the Federal regulations that may be applicable to the design of a landfill
cover. It should be noted that state regulations might override Federal regulations in some instances.