ETL 1110-1-162
30 Sep 01
Table B-1
Potentially Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Federal Standards,
Requirements and Criteria
Standard Requirement, Criteria, or Limitation
40 CFR 122 & 124
Establishes permit requirements.
Clean Air Act
42 USC 7401-7642
Establishes a regulatory system for air
Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA)
42 USC 6901-6987
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
PL 94-580 90 Stat.
Enacted as an amendment to the
Guidelines for the Land Disposal of Solid
40 CFR 241
Establishes requirements and proce-
dures for land disposal of solid wastes.
Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste
40 CFR Part 257
Establishes criteria for use in determin-
Disposal Facilities
ing which solid waste disposal facilities
and practices pose a reasonable prob-
ability of adverse effects on health or the
Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Criteria
40 CFR 258
Establishes minimum criteria for
municipal solid waste landfills.
Hazardous Waste Management System:
40 CFR Part 260
Establishes definitions as well as
procedures and criteria for modification
or revocation of any provision in 40 CFR
Parts 260-265.
Identification a nd Listing of Hazardous Waste
40 CFR Part 261
Defines those solid wastes that are
subject to regulations as hazardous
wastes under 40 CFR Parts 262-265.
40 CFR Part 262
Hazardous Wastes
hazardous waste.
Standards Applicable to Transporters of
40 CFR Part 263
Standards that apply to transporting
Hazardous Wastes
hazardous waste if the transportation
requires a manifest under 40 CFR Part
Standards for Owners and Operators o f
40 CFR Part 264
Standards which define acceptable
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and
management of hazardous waste for
Disposal (TSD) Facilities
owners and operators of TSDs.
Interim Status Standards for Owners and
40 CFR Part 265
Standards for management of
Operators of Hazardous Waste TSDs
hazardous waste during the period of
interim status and final closure or until
post-closure responsibilities are
Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of
40 CFR Part 267
Standards that define acceptable man-
New Hazardous Waste Land Disposal
agement of hazardous waste for new
land disposal facilities.
Land Disposal Restrictions
40 CFR 268
Identifies hazardous wastes that are