ETL 1110-1-162
30 Sep 01
Table B-1
Potentially Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Federal Standards,
Requirements and Criteria
Standard Requirement, Criteria, or Limitation
40 CFR 122 & 124
Establishes permit requirements.
restricted from land disposal.
B-10. Potential List of Drawings. Provided below is a list of key drawings that should be
included in the contract documents. Not all drawings will be applicable to every project.
Existing site conditions (including utilities).
Test pit and boring location plan.
Initial grading plan.
Random fill grading plan.
Clay barrier layer grading plan.
Final grading plan.
Erosion control features.
Cap cross sections.
Cap detail drawings: anchor trench, collection pipes and toe drains.
Cover drainage layer collection system plan.
Gas vent well details.
Gas monitoring probe details.
Gas collection header pipe details.
Gas blower flare and piping details.
Settlement monument, benchmark, and penetration details.
Fence location and details.
Monitoring well locations and details.
B-11. Potential List of Specifications. Provided below is a list of specifications that may be
part of the contract documents. Not all specifications will be applicable to every project.
a. Division 1--General Requirements.
Safety, Health, and Emergency Response.
Chemical Data Quality Control.