ETL 1110-1-163
30 Jun 96
EPA 600/4-84/076
EPA 600/4-84/076, Characterization of Hazardous
EPA-600/2-87/063, Investigation of Slurry Cut-Off
Waste Sites-A Methods Manual: Volume I, Site
Wall Design and Construction Methods for Contain-
ing Hazardous Waste.
EPA 600/4-91/029
Gallinatti and Warner 1994
EPA 600/4-91/029, Guide to Site and Soil Descrip-
Gallinatti, John D., and Warner, Scott D. 1994.
tion for Hazardous Waste Sites.
"Hydraulic Design Considerations for Permeable In
Situ Ground Water Treatment Walls," abs., Ground
EPA 600/7-84/007
Water, Vol. 32, 851.
EPA 600/7-84/007, Geophysical Techniques for Sens-
ing Buried Wastes and Waste Migration.
Gillham and O'Hannesin 1994
Gillham, Robert W., and O'Hannesin, Stephanie.
EPA 600/8-89/046
1994. "Enhanced Degradation of Halogenated Ali-
EPA 600/8-89/046, Soil Sampling Quality Assurance
phatics by Zero-valent Iron," Ground Water, Vol. 32,
Users Guide.
EPA 625/4-91/026
Johnson et al. 1985
EPA 625/4-91/026, Site Characterization for Subsur-
Johnson, A. I., Frobel, R. K., Cavalli, N. J., and
face Remediation.
Pettersson, C. B. 1985. "Hydraulic Barriers in Soil
and Rock," STP 874, American Society for Testing
EPA 625/6-90/016b
and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
EPA 625/6-90/016b, Handbook-Ground Water Vol. I,
EPA 625/6-87/016 and Vol. II: Methodology.
Leach, Saugier, and Carter 1995
Leach, R. E., Saugier, R. K., and Carter, E. E. 1995.
"Falling Beam SoilSawTM, An Advanced Process for
EPA 625/12-91/002
EPA 625/12-91/002, Description and Sampling of
Forming Underground Cutoff Walls," Technical
Contaminated Soils: A Field Pocket Guide.
Report CPAR-GL-95-1, U.S. Army Engineer Water-
ways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
EPA 625/R-92/007
EPA 625/R-92/007, Use of Airborne, Surface, and
Millet and Perez 1981
Borehole Geophysical Techniques at Contaminated
Millet, R. A., and Perez, J. 1981. "Current USA
Practice: Slurry Wall Specifications," Journal of the
Geotechnical Engineering Division, American Society
EPA 625/R-93/003
of Civil Engineers, Vol. 107, No. GT8, 1041-1056.
EPA 625/R-93/003, Subsurface Characterization and
Monitoring Techniques: A Desk Reference Guide.
Rumer and Ryan 1995
Rumer, R. R., and Ryan, M. E. 1995. Barrier Con-
b. Vertical barrier walls.
tainment Technologies for Environmental Remediation
Applications. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Ayres, Lager, and Barvenik 1983
Ayres, J. E., Lager, D. C., and Barvenik, M. J. 1983.
Zappi, Shafer, and Adrian 1990
"Design of Soil-Bentonite Backfill Mix for the First
Zappi, M. E., Shafer, R. A., and Adrian, D. D. 1990.
Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Cutoff
"Compatibility of Ninth Avenue Superfund Site
Wall," Proceedings of the Fourth National Sympo-
Ground Water with Two Soil-Bentonite Slurry Wall
Backfill Mixtures," Miscellaneous Paper EL-90-9,
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
D'Appolonia 1980
D'Appolonia, D. J. 1980. "Soil-Bentonite Slurry
Trench Cutoffs," Journal of the Geotechnical Engi-
neering Division, American Society of Civil Engi-
neers, Vol. 106, No. GT4, 399-417.