ETL 1110-1-163
30 Jun 96
B-1. General
Project manager.
a. Intended use of document. This document
for vertical barrier wall design was developed to aid
Technical manager.
in project planning, scheduling, and budgeting; scop-
ing predesign investigations and architect/engineer
Project engineer.
(A/E) services; as a guidance document for conduct-
ing vertical barrier wall designs; reviewing A/E pro-
Geotechnical engineer.
ducts; and as a source for technical references. The
document is divided into three appendices: Appen-
dix A, References; Appendix B, Design Consider-
ations; and Appendix C, Checklist. Appendix B
Mechanical engineer.
briefly discusses design aspects for vertical barrier
wall components. Appendix C contains a list of
Electrical engineer.
questions covering pertinent aspects of design that
were discussed in Appendix B.
b. Purpose and function of vertical barriers.
Environmental engineer.
The primary purpose of a vertical barrier wall is to
Civil engineer.
site to uncontaminated areas or by preventing clean
Industrial hygienist.
Vertical barrier walls function as a relatively imper-
meable barrier which either contains or redirects
groundwater flow.
Land surveyor.
c. Types of vertical barriers. The type of verti-
Landscape architect.
cal barrier wall chosen for use at a hazardous waste
site is dependent on environmental and site-specific
Drafter/computer-aided design and drafting
parameters. No Environmental Protection Agency
(CADD) technician.
(EPA) regulations exist for the design and construc-
tion of vertical barrier walls. The type of vertical
Specifications writer.
barrier wall most commonly used at hazardous waste
sites is the soil-bentonite (S-B) slurry wall. EPA-
Cost estimator.
540/2-84-001 provides guidance on the design and
construction of S-B slurry walls. This document will
Regulatory specialist.
focus on design issues for S-B slurry walls; however,
several other types of walls will also be discussed.
Real estate specialist.
d. Project team. An idealized design/review
Construction representative.
team for a vertical barrier wall project is provided
below. For most projects, the design or review team
Local, state, and Federal regulatory staff.
will not include individuals from each of the noted
disciplines. Consequently, it is important that all
aspects of design are assigned to a member of the
team. Team members include: