ETL 1110-2-563
30 Sep 04
River Flow
Figure C-22. Flow vectors from navigation model for Greenup L&D
(2) These approach layouts and the constraints on impact angles are shown in Figure C-23. The
distributions for the weight of both downbound and upbound tows were taken from existing OMNI data
and are shown in Figures C-24 and C-25, respectively. Since this design is for preliminary concept walls,
navigation modeling was not completed as part of the Ohio River Main Stem Systems Study. However, it
is anticipated that additional navigation modeling will be needed as the project rolls into the feasibility
level design. As a part of the next design phase, scale model impact experiments will be conducted to
better estimate the distributions for velocities and impact angle of downbound tows. For this preliminary
design, the values for velocity are based on observations made during site visits and select time-lapse
video records from the lock. The values for the angle of impact were based on site constraints as dis-
cussed above. Figures C-26 and C-27, respectively, present the proposed distributions for barge impact
angle and impact velocity for the three floating walls at the project. Table C-8 summarizes the statistical
parameters to be used in the preliminary design and sizing of approach walls.