ETL 1110-2-563
30 Sep 04
Appendix D
Examples of Probabilistic Barge Impact
Analysis (PBIA) for Rigid Walls
D-1. Introduction
This appendix documents a few deterministic examples using the empirical formula discussed in
paragraph B-2 as well as a detailed PBIA for an upper guide wall. The examples shown use typical design
parameters (velocity, angle, and mass) used for design of navigation structures. The values selected also
fit into the limitation of the empirical model.
D-2. Deterministic Example Ohio River Project
This example is for the design of an approach wall for a new lock on the Ohio River. Based on present
traffic predictions and navigation model testing at ERDC, a 15-barge tow and input parameters selected
for the usual load case are as follows:
V0x = 0.45 m/sec (1.5 ft/sec)
V0y = 0.02 m/sec (0.05 ft/sec)
θ = 10 degrees
Wbarge = 27,000,000 kg (30,000 short tons)
(Fw)max = 0.435*(30000*2/32.2)*(1.5*sin (10) + 0.05*cos (10)) = 1,116 kN (251 kips)
The empirical correlation is expressed in specific non-SI (English) units. The result for (Fw)max can then
be converted to SI (metric) units.
D-3. Deterministic Example Mississippi River Project
This example is for the design of an approach wall for a new lock on the Mississippi River. Based on
present traffic predictions and navigation model testing at ERDC, the 9-barge tow and input parameters
selected for the usual load case are as follows:
V0x = 0.6 m/sec (2.0 ft/sec)
V0y = 0.02 m/sec (0.05 ft/sec)
θ = 15 degrees
Wbarge = 12,000,000 kg (13,500 short tons)
(Fw)max = 0.435*(13500*2/32.2)* (1.5*sin (10) + 0.05*cos (10)) = 916 kN (206 kips)
D-4. Example of Probabilistic Barge Impact Analysis for an Upper Guide Wall
a. Introduction. This appendix details an example of a PBIA for a rigid upper guide wall at a lock
and dam project. The purpose of the example is to show how to implement the methods and empirical
model defined in paragraph B-2 of this ETL to determine the return periods for the design of the guide
wall. This example uses data for impact angle and velocity from 1:120-scale model hydraulic experiments
that were conducted at ERDC. The hydraulic conditions for the experiments were conducted under a flow
regime of 708 cu m/sec (25,000 cu ft/sec). The data have been processed to determine the annual distri-
butions and statistical parameters for the random variables in the PBIA. Data for loss of power, loss of