For Building Renovation Selective interior demolition is part of the building renovation cost. However,
asbestos/lead base paint removal should be separately identified as a major line item in primary facilities.
Construction Contingency Use 0% or per latest guidance.
SIOH Use 5.7% for CONUS and 6.5% for OCONUS or per latest guidance.
Antiterrorism Force Protection costs are included and separately identified, if required. Use category codes
88041 and 88042 for primary and support facilities respectively.
3A. Description of Proposed Construction
General DO and DON'T:
Do not discuss type of construction (permanent, semi-permanent, temporary). Paragraph should contain no
design details (e.g., steel frame, reinforced concrete, R-30 insulation).
Discuss with what, not why. Avoid Acronyms.
Do not use negative statements ( Handicapped not provided for).
Begin paragraph with "Construct"/"Renovate"/"Modernize," etc.
Outline all major items of primary and support facilities.
Add statement when required for "Interior Design Requirements."
Sample - "Project requires comprehensive interior design."
Mention handicapped requirements if required.
Mention unusual site conditions for high support cost and special design requirements, if any.
State number of buildings and total S.F. (m2) to be demolished and asbestos/lead paint removal if any.
MCA Only - Indicate type of
heating and cooling required and the tonnage for A/C.
Describe Antiterrorism Force Protection requirements, if applicable.
All AFH projects should be WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD RENEWAL (either by renewing housing or
replacing it). If not, classify as line item improvement, Whole House Renewal, or other program.
AFH Projects - Section 3A should contain the following in the first sentence... state number of units, grade
of occupants, type of unit (Wherry, Capehart), when constructed, how many of what kind of unit (2BR,
AFH Projects should have statement that 5% of quarters will be accessible or easily modifiable to
accommodate handicapped requirements.
3C. Project Description
Should be one sentence statement, e.g., "Construct a standard designed Child Development Center."
3D. Requirement
Does paragraph show continuing need or say for what purpose the project is being built or what the
requirement for the project is? Use positive statements only.